Africa is dazzling with its myriad colours and flamboyant clothing. Both men and women are always colourfully clad and look as if they’re dressed to the nines on any normal working day. They seem to celebrate life by embracing colour and form and design in many imaginative ways.
Africana clothing reflects the great love of life that people on this continent have in spite of the grinding poverty, insidious diseases, the obscene consequences of colonial domination and exploitation, the horrendous experience of slavery, widespread civil wars, armed robbers, the proliferation of terrorist organisations, the shocking extent of corruption and the pervasive lack of basic facilities in their day to day life.
My Marina High School colleagues are always dressed very elegantly and re-invent themselves so often and so cleverly that one can easily walk past them without recognising them for several long minutes! They wear a range of different African clothing as well as a variety of hair styles, wigs and head ties.